Mercer Mann, a popular writer from Camino Island, is back on the beach, marrying her boyfriend, Thomas, in a seaside ceremony. Bruce Cable, infamous owner of Bay Books, performs the wedding. Afterward, Bruce tells Mercer that he has stumbled upon an incredible story. Mercer desperately needs an idea for her next novel, and Bruce now has one.
The true story is about Dark Isle, a sliver of a barrier island not far off the North Florida coast. It was settled by freed slaves three hundred years ago, and their descendants lived there until 1955, when the last one was forced to leave. That last descendant is Lovely Jackson, elderly now, who loves her birthplace and its remarkable history. But now Tidal Breeze, a huge, ruthless corporate developer, wants to build a resort and casino on the island, which Lovely knows, deep down, is rightfully hers.
Mercer befriends Lovely, and they plunge into an enormous fight over who owns Dark Isle, taking on Tidal Breeze Corporation, its lawyers, lobbyists, and powerful Florida politicians. But Lovely knows something about the island that could seriously cloud the dollar signs in the developer s eyes: the island is cursed. It has remained uninhabited for nearly a century for some very real and very troubling reasons. The deep secrets of the past are about to collide with the enormous ambitions of the present, and the fate of Dark Isle and Camino Island, too hangs in the balance.
Biografía del autor:
<P <B John Grisham </B es autor de cincuenta libros que se han convertido en números uno en las listas de best sellers de manera consecutiva y que han sido traducidos a casi cincuenta idiomas. Sus obras más recientes incluyen <I El sueño de Sooley, La lista del juez, Los adversarios, Los chicos de Biloxi, El intercambio</I y <I Tiempo de perdón</I , que está siendo adaptada como serie por HBO.</P <P Grisham ha ganado dos veces el Premio Harper Lee de ficción legal y ha sido galardonado con el Premio al Logro Creativo de Ficción de la Biblioteca del Congreso de Estados Unidos.</P <P Cuando no está escribiendo, Grisham trabaja en la junta directiva de Innocence Project y Centurion Ministries, dos organizaciones dedicadas a lograr la exoneración de personas condenadas injustamente. Muchas de sus novelas exploran problemas profundamente arraigados en el sistema de justicia estadounidense.</P <P John vive en una granja en Virginia.</P
Fecha publicación 14-01-2025
Edición : 1
Número de páginas : 432
ISBN : 979-82-17-00740-0
Encuadernación: BOLSILLO RUSTICA
Tamaño: 0 x 0
Idioma: Inglés