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A stroke of the pen. "The lost stories."


A stroke of the pen.

From the multi-million copy bestselling author of the Discworld series, discover a truly unmissable collection of lost short stories, as well as a never-before-seen, recently found new tale.

Written under a pseudonym in the 1970s and 80s, these early tales hint at the worlds the legendary Sir Terry Pratchett would go on to create, containing all his trademark wit, satirical wisdom and fantastic imagination.

Through these stories, you'll meet Og the inventor, the first caveman to cultivate fire, as he discovers the highs and lows of progress; haunt the Ministry of Nuisances with the defiant evicted ghosts of Pilgarlic Towers; go on a dangerous quest through time and space with hero Kron, and discover many more adventures

Whether you're looking for a title for a seasoned Pratchett reader or someone starting from the beginning, this incredible collection is perfect for any science-fiction and fantasy fan.

Biografía del autor:

Terry Prattchett es un superventas a nivel mundial y el autor de más de 30 libros y creador de Mundo Disco, la saga que ha cosechado un éxito sin precedentes dentro de la literatura juvenil.


Fecha publicación 01-08-2024

Edición : 1

Número de páginas : 226

ISBN : 978-1-80499-259-3

Encuadernación: BOLSILLO RUSTICA

Tamaño:  0 x 0

Idioma: Inglés