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Redhead by the side of the road.


Redhead by the side of the road.

A perfect love story for imperfect people. Micah Mortimer isn't the most polished person you'll ever meet. His numerous sisters and in-laws regard him oddly but very fondly. He measures out his days running errands for work, maintaining an impeccable cleaning regime and going for runs (7:15, every morning). He is content with the steady balance of his life. But then the order of things starts to tilt. And when a teenager shows up at Micah's door claiming to be his son, Micah is confronted with another surprise he seems poorly equipped to handle...

Biografía del autor:


Fecha publicación 01-04-2021

Edición : 1

Número de páginas : 178

ISBN : 978-1-5291-1245-0

Encuadernación: BOLSILLO RUSTICA

Tamaño:  0 x 0

Idioma: Inglés