Real situations, real language, real outcomes The second edition of Outcomes is the only course that is consistently focussed on helping students achieve the real-world communicative outcomes they want and need. This lexically rich course emphasises students & need to have the conversations in English that they would in their own language. What does the exclusive edition contain for Students? The Writing and Vocabulary Booklet provides additional writing practice, including more exam-style writing tasks, lists of key vocabulary with space for students & own translations and vocabulary exercises. The writing section contains: &À REMEMBER sections to provide a checklist of key points students need to keep in mind when tackling a specific piece of writing &À PREPARE sections to provide a series of scaffolded activities to build students up to the longer writing task &À PERFORM sections to enable students to build on what they have learnt in the Prepare & sections and create a large piece of writing
Biografía del autor:
Raquel GU dibuja desde que tuvo edad para sostener un lápiz y contar historias con dibujos es lo que más le gusta. Sus viñetas han aparecido en medios como Mongolia, Jot Down, El Jueves, Pikara, Principia o El matins de TV3, y es autora de cómic y libros de humor gráfico como La edad estupenda. En el 2021 recibió los premios del Diario de Avisos al mejor guión y dibujo de humor por su serie Las estupendas. De vez en cuando sale a correr por la montaña y es muy fan del salto innecesario.