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Anne of green glables "Stage 2"


Anne of green glables

Ideal for elementary or pre-intermediate learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading.Marilla Cuthbert and her brother Matthew want to adopt an orphan, to help on the farm at Green Gables. They ask for a boy, but they get Anne, who has red hair and freckles, and who talks and talks and talks.They didn't want a girl, but how can they send a child back, like an unwanted parcel? So Anne stays, and begins a new life in the sleepy, quiet village of Avonlea in Canada. But it is not so quiet after Anne comes to live there ...

Biografía del autor:

Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) es considerada una de las grandes escritoras canadienses de literatura infantil gracias a la saga de novelas de Ana la de Tejas Verdes, título del primero de los libros y con el que se inicia en la escritura. Montgomery fue maestra en varias escuelas de su provincia de nacimiento, la Isla del Príncipe Eduardo. Fue distinguida con la Orden del Imperio Británico.


Fecha publicación

Edición : 1

Número de páginas : 0

ISBN : 978-0-19-462074-1


Tamaño:  0 x 0