What are the elements that make the dishes of certain chefs great? Well, we all know how the ingredients must be the finest and freshest available but if that is all it took, why aren't the restaurants next to fish and vegetable markets always the best in the land? I suppose we should add to this the traditions and techniques of the region we are talking about but even then, I am not certain we will have found a winning formula. No, it requires a unique approach to ingredients, techniques and traditions for a highly competent chef to be considered a great one. Fortunately for the Basque Country, in Eneko Atxa, they have a chef worthy to be considered in the same breath as his famous colleagues in Guipúzcoa and Catalonia.
Biografía del autor:
Fecha publicación 01-12-2012
Edición : 01
Número de páginas : 256
ISBN : 978-84-7212-149-2
Tamaño: 0 x 0