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Performance 1 "Student's book"


Performance 1

2 levels CEF B1+ - B2 For schools looking for a more demanding course and students who have come through secondary education with a solid base to build on. Choose between fully-digital delivery or print components for your students, or alternatively bring components together for the perfect blended learning experience. Strong focus on content and activity types that avoid the more mechanical aspects of traditional books that prepare students for university entrance exams. Thought-provoking topics and texts to engage and motivate students to want to know more with strong emphasis on productive skills. Performance: MyEnglishLab provides interactive activities and powerful online tools to get the most of the course outside class, providing students with instant feedback and automatic marking and teachers with diagnostic tools to see how students are progressing and identify which areas need extra attention.

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Fecha publicación 14-09-2012

Edición : 1

Número de páginas : 160

ISBN : 978-84-9837-661-6

Encuadernación: RUSTICA (TAPA BLANDA)

Tamaño:  297 x 210

Idioma: Inglés