Cecelia Ahern is that rare author that still actually believes in the goodness of people. Maybe its her youth, maybe shes just that person, but it is so clear that she believes that people are good, that people are beautiful, and that what is most beautiful about life is the story that each of us has to share. On the surface, you could probably write this off as a sappy chick-lit piece, but its so much more. You could just read the book and move on, or you could stop and take notice. You might find yourself smiling as you turn the page, or notice someone else watching the look of warmth on your face while youre reading out in public. You might just find yourself interested in the people around you - the people who pass you on the street, stand in line with you at the cafe, or sit next to you on the bus. If you let it, this story - stories, really - will open you up to all of the interesting things you encounter every day.
Biografía del autor:
Cecelia Ahern (Dublín, 1981) publicó su primera novela, Posdata: te quiero, en 2004. Se convirtió en un bestseller en Reino Unido, Holanda, Alemania y Estados Unidos, y se rodó una adaptación cinematográfica con Hillary Swank y Gerard Butler. Sus libros se han publicado en cuarenta y seis países y ha vendido más de nueve millones de ejemplares. Es autora de Donde termina el arco iris, Si pudieras verme ahora, Un lugar llamado Aquí, Mrs. Whippy, Recuerdos prestados, Un regalo del cielo (Planeta, 2010) y El mañana empieza hoy (Planeta, 2011).
Fecha publicación
Edición : 1
Número de páginas : 0
ISBN : 978-0-00-735047-6
Tamaño: 0 x 0
Idioma: Inglés