It is the week before Christmas. The effects of the credit crunch have prompted Dr Kay Scarpetta to offer her services pro bono to New York City's Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. But in no time at all, her increased visibility seems to precipitate a string of dramatic and unsettling events. She is asked live on the air about the sensational case of Hannah Starr, who has vanished and is presumed dead. Moments later during the same broadcast, she receives a startling call-in from a former psychiatric patient of Benton Wesley's.
When she returns after the show to the apartment where she and Benton live, she finds a suspicious package possibly a bomb waiting for her at the front desk. Soon the apparent threat on Scarpetta's life finds her embroiled in a deadly plot that includes a famous actor accused of an unthinkable sex crime and the disappearance of a beautiful millionairess with whom Scarpetta's niece Lucy seems to have shared a secret past .
Biografía del autor:
<P <B Patricia Cornwell</B (Florida, 1956), directora de Ciencia Forense Aplicada en la National Forensic Academy, ha recibido múltiples galardones en reconocimiento a su obra literaria; destacan los premios Edgar, Creasey, Anthony, Macavity, el francés Prix du Roman d Aventure, el galardón británico Gold Dagger y el Galaxy British Book Award.</P <P En 1999, la doctora forense Kay Scarpetta, protagonista de la mayoría de sus novelas, recibió el premio Sherlock al mejor detective creado por un autor estadounidense.</P <P La obra de Cornwell ha sido traducida a más de treinta y dos idiomas.</P
Editorial SPHERE
Fecha publicación 01-09-2010
Edición : 1
Número de páginas : 533
ISBN : 978-0-7515-4387-2
Encuadernación: BOLSILLO RUSTICA
Tamaño: 0 x 0
Idioma: Inglés